Meatless Monday!

Today is Monday and we try to make them meatless around here. There are several reasons for it, ranging from helping the environment to realizing that we do not need to kill animals to eat and be strong.  I am amazed to see how many athletes are actually going vegetarian.  Thankfully, Indian and Asian cuisine are popular in our house, so tofu is always an easy item to prepare.  Beans are a big hit and, as I have mentioned before, falafel is very popular in our house.  The only trick with the legume family is that you have to soak them the night before for them to turn out best.  There are also a LOT of veggie patties and other meat alternatives out on the market. We have tried a few – the veggie sausage crumbles were a big hit, whereas the green veggie party was “going a bit too far”.  Mushrooms go a long way to helping with going meatless.

Today, we will be doing spaghetti with a mushroom sauce. I am planning on chopping up the mushrooms so small that the family has no choice but to eat them all ; ) Their beef with mushrooms is the texture, so I think that will cover the bases.  There are quite a few web sites with great ideas – Meatless Monday is a favorite of mine to have on my Facebook stream – it is a great reminder of trying to cook with more veg and less meat!