The Adventures of Sous Vide Cooking
Two Christmases ago, I started the sous vide experiment.
Ever since, we have had great successes and a few failures. It is great for chicken breast, steak, pork lion, and rack of lamb (although I use freezer bags now after the bone punctured a regular bag. I have placed whole eggs in for a great chocolate mousse recipe, but otherwise found that a classic 6 minute egg is all we want out of an egg cooked in its shell. Finally, if you are going to cook the meat at the lower temperatures, be ready for guests to scrunch up their noses a little bit. We all have ideas of what we want our meat to look like so it will take an education for some folks.
If you like meat, I highly recommend getting a sous vide cooker and experimenting!
For temperature guidelines, take a look at the page.